Immunobiology of Viral InfectionsProgramme
Immunobiology of Viral Infections. Bad Salzschlirf. October 28-30, 2024
Scientific Organizers: Dr Hanna-Mari Baldauf, Prof Dr Daniel Sauter & Dr Christine Dahlke
Monday, 28.10.2024
13:30 Arrival and Check-in
14:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Keynote Lecture I
Coffee Break and Networking
Session I
Tuesday, 29.10.2024
rSession II
Coffee Break and Networking
Keynote Lecture II
Keynote Lecture III
Coffee BReak and Networking
Session III
Wednesday, 30.10.2024
Session IV
Coffee Break and Networking
Best Presentation Award
Closing Remarks
12:00 Farewell and lunch box